Saturday, 31 December 2011

Two feet forward, how many back? Or should that be Jay Walking?

As I haven't quite worked out how to copy across some clipart I'll just have to explain my chain of Js. I really wanted the point where the horizontal bar meets the upright of the J to be the left most point of the next J going up so that if you toppled off the right part of the horizontal bar you'd fall into the loop of the next J and not down to the bottom.  Hope this makes sense as if it doesn't there's no point in reading on!

Recovering can be a risky time – just like jay walking across a busy road.

As I get better I try to do more, as I try to stretch myself I often fall back a bit.  As I am spreading my resources further things that had previously been easier can be harder.  But only temporarily, falling down forward into the bottom of the new ‘J’ and not back down into the bottom of the previous one.  And then I climb a steep learning curve. 

I reach a plateau period when I’ve found I can do the new ‘thing’ with some confidence. 

And after a rest period I begin all over again.

I found out that maximum recovery does not equal full recovery.  I have discovered that pushing onwards and upwards and onwards and upwards can result in falling down with a thump and bruising confidence severely.  Recognising and accepting this has been liberating. I'm in a position I didn't think I would be even 5 years ago. By not trying to start another J I can scamper along the top of my J and back again in real safety.  Okay when I say scamper that I implies an energy and speed that I don't actually possess.  Perhaps saunter would be more accurate.

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